I tell everyone that comes into our 600 square feet of raw paradise that my goal is to be like the general store that existed in the olden days where customers knew the owner and the owner provided them with the basics they needed to stock their homes. Sometimes in this global economy where internet has replaced face to face communication, I think that my goal is far fetched. How happy I was to hear an entrepreneur speaking of how social media is returning customers to one to one marketing where they are developing a relationship with the businesses they shop with. My brother, Jas, kept harping on me that I needed to blog and make videos to share my knowledge with others. Despite the vast amount of time this takes, I have done so as a Thank you to my customers. Sometimes I felt that it was pointless because very few people give me feedback electronically. However, I'm amazed by people who come into the cafe and tell me that they read all my blogs, they record my shows and they follow us on facebook. I guess a local economy in a global world really is possible.
This blog is to thank you. I want to thank every person who cares enough to come into our store and support us with your purchase of groceries, food or smoothies. Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and taking in knowledge about food, farming and community. Thank you for investing the time to learn how to make healthy food by watching our show Ta-Raw on KGMC Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. or at our free uncooking classes Sundays at 1:00 p.m. Thank you for caring about your health. Thank you for being ambassadors of health to others. Thank you for returning to old fashioned values where your health, the farmer and the environment support each other and the city we live in. Thank you for rewarding my efforts to make nutritious food by coming in to enjoy it. Thanks for filling the social gap left in my life because I no longer go out with friends to eat unhealthy restaurant food. In the pecking order of perfect stranger, kind of stranger, acquaintance, friend and finally,-- family, our shared love of food and health has transformed us from perfect strangers and made us a close knit family and community.
As we approach one year of investing our lives into our cafe and market, I want to thank each and every one of you who has shown a vested interested in supporting my dream and goal for a healthier Fresno.
Yours in gratitude, health and love,
I remain,
Ta-Raw Hamilton
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