As healthy people, we are aware that everything we put into our bodies affects our health, but do we stop to think of what's coming out of our body? I have the privilege of meeting and serving awesome people at our cafe. Many of them become near and dear to me. Sometimes they're happy and sometimes sad, what can I say ... Life Happens. Over the years I've had to deal with too many stresses to mention but I realize that there is a simple philosophy for keeping your heart beating strong. Remember the serenity plaque "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference." In these difficult economic times, hard working people are having a tough time paying bills. In the morally bankrupt environment we live in, parents are struggling to raise responsible children and single people are struggling to be contributing community members. 50 Years ago, nobody would have believed that the number one problem among our younger generation would be drugs and alcohol. 50 Years ago, nobody would have believed that people would choose to eat food that kills them because it tastes good. And that they would feed it to their kids because they're too busy to make wholesome food and they don't educate themselves about the difference. 50 Years ago, people would have been shocked that foreclosures would be a problem affecting mililons of Americans. In this depressing climate how does the serenity plaque help us?
I always think of it in reverse order, I start with praying for Courage to change the things I can. Every morning I wake up and make time for my two honey bears, Daniel and Sarai who are 4 and 3 years old. After our daily text, I stay in bed working on the computer until they wake up at about 7:15 a.m. so they can cuddle with me. We read books as time allows. At 8:00 a.m. I hug them and kiss them and bid them adieu as I head off to work. I walk 40 minutes to our store so I can prepare food with love for the people I love. I work as hard as I can until 7:00 p.m. when our store closes. During that time, I co-ordinate with my older children and try to train them to carry our their responsibilities so that they will be able to carry on without me in the future, should the need arise. I always try to do the right thing. By my family, my friends, my customers and my God. This can be a challenge since there are scammers trying to bilk you at every turn. I've learned you can't control everything but you can keep your heart beating strong and hard.
At work, we can't change the people around us, but we can make sure they don't change the happy, loving people we are.
At home, we can't make our children be who we want them to be, but we can make sure that we don't give up on them because they don't treat us the way we treated our parents.
With our money, we can't always earn more, so we can try to spend less. Figure out what we need and be content with those things.
At work, we show courage by being the best workers we can be, no matter how tired we are.
At home, we show courage by being the best parents we can be and making time for our children no matter how many other demands there are on our time.
With our money, we work hard and smart so we don't squander our money on late fees, service charges, parking tickets, speeding tickets and fines that could have been avoided with planning.
With our heart, we accept who we are. We discern where we need to make changes so we can take better care of ourselves and our families. Then we give, give, and give until we are spent.
We trust that there is indeed more happiness in giving than in receiving.
Find joy in all you do so your heart beats hard and strong, Find the courage to do the right thing so your heart beats true and your heart beats steadily, not giving out until there is nothing left to give.
May what comes out of you be as pure as the organic untainted food that goes into it.
Yours in health, inside and out,
Tara Hamilton
Revive Cafe
1807 Broadway Street
Fresno, CA
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