Thursday, March 24, 2011

Soil or Dirt, What is your view

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?  This childhood song showed the connection that people had to the soil that grows our food.  Today that connection has been lost.  Less than 2% of americans live on a farm.  In Fresno we don’t have a single farmers market in the county.  A bike route between the 99 and I-5 was suggested and farmers are protesting against it.  When is the last time you visited a farm?  Do your children know how food grows?

I recently talked to a 19 year old who didn’t know that potatoes grew in the ground, she thought they grew on trees.  Last night we had the privilege of watching a pre-release screening of Symphony of the Soil.  This movie is being made by Debra Koons Garcia, the director of Future of Food, who did an amazing job showing us how main stream food is being produced.  The movie showed us how our soil was created but more importantly how our soil and our treatment of it affects our aquifer water storage below the ground and how flooding and water care above ground are also affected by our treatment of the soil.

What does soil have to do with you?  First we’re made of soil, at death we return to the soil and during our lifetime nutrients from soil sustain our life.  Since we rely on soil so much it should be a priority to know something about it.  Most kids today have an aversion to soil, they don’t like “dirt”.  Parents constantly want to stop children from getting dirty.  We don’t walk on the soil anymore.  First we wear shoes everywhere we go and secondly we walk on pavement, asphalt, carpet and wood.  When is the last time your feet touched the soil?

Growing up I worked in the garden every summer with my mother, planting, weeding, watering and harvesting.  As one of seven children, my mothers time was limited and I cherished every moment I got with her.  We would go for walks early in the morning and we would leave our house with our shoes on.  When we got to a park, my mom said we needed to take our shoes off and walk on the grass and soil barefoot because this contact with the soil was essential to life.  Today, naturalists have discovered the truth of this age old truth that Indians have known from centuries ago and grounding mats are being sold.

The movie showed how we could tell the health of our soil by how it felt beneath our feet, if it was spongy or hard.  How our soil smells tells us about it’s vitality.  My children have spent years on a farm and they’ve seen mom trying to farm ankle high in wet soil.  They’ve played and worked in the soil.  They’ve felt the excitement of seeing the seed they planted push out through the ground.  They’ve seen blossoms turn into fruit or vegetables.  Held a tiny watermelon in the palm of their hand.  Eaten bell peppers off the vine.  This contact with the soil that gives us life is vital.

May you make it a priority to make soil part of your life.  Visit a farm.  Our farm day will be in May and we look forward to having adults and children alike play in organic soil.  May the soil of your body be nourished by soil that someone has cared for with love rather than with pesticides.

Yours in health,

Tara Hamilton,,, 559.497.5085[[posterous-content:wjGtiowdJnFghHmvnnog]]

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Feed your body - starve cancer

Cancer is a money making industry.  The effect of this disease is felt by almost every person in America.  Who of us doesn’t know someone who has cancer?  Today cancer's reach is growing like never before.  Is there anything we can do to prevent the devastation of cancer or treat cancer naturally?  In the last 7 years, I have discovered that there is and that people have been doing it for over 70 years with much greater success than doctors in our modern day. We all need to become advocates of our own health.  Here's how.

Read about Max Gerson and Norman Walker who were pioneers of using food to treat cancer.  They were advocates of using fresh pressed juice, coffee enemas and raw food to treat cancer.  Max Gerson’s therapy was 90% successful in Melanoma cancer and over 50% successful in other types of late stage cancer.  Read their books. Learn about their recommended treatments.

Learn about free radicals, an abundance of which results in the growth of cancer.  Cooked food increases free radicals.  Therefore it is important for us to eat food in its natural raw state.  David Wolfe said that a 51% raw diet keeps a proper balance of free radicals in our body.  Watch Food Matters.  Replace appetizers of chips and dip with carrot chips and almond hummus.  Replace breakfasts of cooked cereal and pasteurized milk with fresh fruit bowls topped with hemp seed for protein.  Don't buy cooked jams with pectin, make your own by taking fresh fruit and food processing it into a sauce and use chia seeds to thicken it to a jelly.  Today everything is cooked or processed to death. 99% of milk and juice is pasteurized or cooked.  Buy raw milk and make your own juice. Canned vegetables and fruits are cooked.  Frozen veggies are blanched or cooked.  Even our fresh fruits and vegetables are contaminated by cancer causing carcinogens, how you may ask?

Fresno has the nations 3rd worst air quality and is 2nd to Bakersfield.  What do Bakersfield and Fresno have in common? Agriculture.  How does agriculture affect air quality?  By the pesticides applied.  These pesticides have cancer causing carcinogens which are directly applied to our food.  A by-product of spraying our food is that it is in our air.  This causes our air to be contaminated which means that there are about 30 days a year where our air quality is so bad we should stay indoors.  What do the vast majority of people in Fresno intentionally do?  They purchase the food that has been directly sprayed  by these disease causing pesticides and ingest it directly into their bodies.  What can you do?  Buy food that is organically or naturally grown.  Vote for health by purchasing food from farmers that grow without the use of cancer causing pesticides.  Join a CSA. This food is nutritionally dense.  You will eat less because your cells will be satiated with nutritional goodness.  This will offset the increased expense of organically grown food because you can eat half as much which also helps with obesity.

Cancer doesn't appear in your body overnight.  If the doctors have just discovered you have cancer, whatever stage it's at, they make you think immediate action is needed by way of chemotherapy or radiation.  They try to kill the cancerous poison in your body with more poison.  Sounds like a risky solution at best.  Educate yourself about alternatives like starving cancer.  Don't rush to make a decision. A few weeks to explore your options is not going to be the death of you, an uneducated decision very well could be.  A doctor that treats 90% of patients successfully is happy, but if my family is in the 10% that died, I'm unhappy.  No matter what your decision is, a nourished body that treats the root cause of cancer is the only logical choice.  If your going to choose conventional treatments then give your body the nutritious stores it needs to withstand the double dose of poison.  Then take steps to make sure it never comes back. Alternatively, you may choose to delay conventional treatments for more natural treatments. Watch a doctor, William Li, speak on this subject at

Don't let cancer be a mystery any longer. Unveil the causes and reject the trojan horse. In America we don't like to rock the boat, we want to fit in and be accepted by our peers.  Get off the boat of disease, choose health, reject the commercialized food that has been unnaturally propagated throughout our land.  Feed your body, starve cancer... naturally.

Yours in food and health,
Tara Hamilton

Feed your body - starve cancer

Feed Your Body, Starve Cancer.

Cancer is a money making industry.  The effect of this disease is felt by almost every person in America.  Who of us doesn’t know someone who has cancer?  Today cancer's reach is growing like never before.  Is there anything we can do to prevent the devastation of cancer or treat cancer naturally?  In the last 7 years, I have discovered that there is and that people have been doing it for over 70 years with much greater success than doctors in our modern day. We all need to become advocates of our own health.  Here's how.

Read about Max Gerson and Norman Walker who were pioneers of using food to treat cancer.  They were advocates of using fresh pressed juice, coffee enemas and raw food to treat cancer.  Max Gerson’s therapy was 90% successful in Melanoma cancer and over 50% successful in other types of late stage cancer.  Read their books. Learn about their recommended treatments.

Learn about free radicals, an abundance of which results in the growth of cancer.  Cooked food increases free radicals.  Therefore it is important for us to eat food in its natural raw state.  David Wolfe said that a 51% raw diet keeps a proper balance of free radicals in our body.  Watch Food Matters.  Replace appetizers of chips and dip with carrot chips and almond hummus.  Replace breakfasts of cooked cereal and pasteurized milk with fresh fruit bowls topped with hemp seed for protein.  Don't buy cooked jams with pectin, make your own by taking fresh fruit and food processing it into a sauce and use chia seeds to thicken it to a jelly.  Today everything is cooked or processed to death. 99% of milk and juice is pasteurized or cooked.  Buy raw milk and make your own juice. Canned vegetables and fruits are cooked.  Frozen veggies are blanched or cooked.  Even our fresh fruits and vegetables are contaminated by cancer causing carcinogens, how you may ask?

Fresno has the nations 3rd worst air quality and is 2nd to Bakersfield.  What do Bakersfield and Fresno have in common? Agriculture.  How does agriculture affect air quality?  By the pesticides applied.  These pesticides have cancer causing carcinogens which are directly applied to our food.  A by-product of spraying our food is that it is in our air.  This causes our air to be contaminated which means that there are about 30 days a year where our air quality is so bad we should stay indoors.  What do the vast majority of people in Fresno intentionally do?  They purchase the food that has been directly sprayed  by these disease causing pesticides and ingest it directly into their bodies.  What can you do?  Buy food that is organically or naturally grown.  Vote for health by purchasing food from farmers that grow without the use of cancer causing pesticides.  Join a CSA. This food is nutritionally dense.  You will eat less because your cells will be satiated with nutritional goodness.  This will offset the increased expense of organically grown food because you can eat half as much which also helps with obesity.

Cancer doesn't appear in your body overnight.  If the doctors have just discovered you have cancer, whatever stage it's at, they make you think immediate action is needed by way of chemotherapy or radiation.  They try to kill the cancerous poison in your body with more poison.  Sounds like a risky solution at best.  Educate yourself about alternatives like starving cancer.  Don't rush to make a decision. A few weeks to explore your options is not going to be the death of you, an uneducated decision very well could be.  A doctor that treats 90% of patients successfully is happy, but if my family is in the 10% that died, I'm unhappy.  No matter what your decision is, a nourished body that treats the root cause of cancer is the only logical choice.  If your going to choose conventional treatments then give your body the nutritious stores it needs to withstand the double dose of poison.  Then take steps to make sure it never comes back. Alternatively, you may choose to delay conventional treatments for more natural treatments. Watch a doctor, William Li, speak on this subject at

Don't let cancer be a mystery any longer. Unveil the causes and reject the trojan horse. In America we don't like to rock the boat, we want to fit in and be accepted by our peers.  Get off the boat of disease, choose health, reject the commercialized food that has been unnaturally propagated throughout our land.  Feed your body, starve cancer... naturally.

Yours in food and health,
Tara Hamilton